i picked up softball my junior year of high school. mostly because my dad was coaching and i wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. we worked on hitting and we worked on fielding and we worked on running. i knew what exhaustion was like. i knew hard work. and i knew the desire to see it all come together.
i would stand in the dugout ready to hit and go through every mental step needed for preparation. i would think about perfect form and deep breaths and timing. i ventured out to the on-deck circle and worked on more timing. and then anxiety would hit. because there was the possibility that i would fail. so afraid to fail.
i am afraid of failing.
i want to write something meaningful. i want to say something inspiring, but sometimes i just sit here stumped and those words won’t form. because i am afraid of failing. i am afraid of saying the wrong thing or not being cohesive. and sometimes it keeps me from writing. what if it’s not perfect?
and then i realize i don’t have to live in this fear of imperfection. i can live in the joy which is my hope in Jesus. for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and discipline. i have freedom in Him. and His words are inspiring. i don’t have to write something new and profound because His word is enough.

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