
{KC} trip

Sometimes the Cheesecake Factory 149 miles away is calling your name. Sometimes it is just time to get away from crazy schedules. But mostly, Isaac is just awesome.

It starts with great music on his iPod.
Then we search for Panda Express (via GPS)...
...4.8 miles...3.5 miles...2 miles...1 mile...300 yards...100 yards...no more yards...turn around...20 yards...no more yards...turn around and park. We decided to look inside a food court for dear Panda, but he was not there. Thankfully, Isaac was up for pictures. :)
my man.

inside the Nelson-Atkins museum, Isaac had me sit on this bench for a quick pic.

 This beautiful tea set was showcased in the museum and I told Isaac I wanted it. 

I think I like getting away from the rest of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks like fun :)