
mARy kAY {gALs}

The Mindy's Mary Kay team is made up of a bunch of beautiful, talented women. I enjoyed the spending time with each of them, putting together images that they can use in their newsletters and portfolios. Mindy's house worked out really great, providing lots of shade and beautiful colors. Beautiful.

I wanted to provide these ladies with something unique and creative...
I thought some images featuring different products was appropriate.
this. smells. good.

Mindy's daughter wanted to play dress up so she could be in some pictures too. I think she dresses up real nice.
Mindy, you are gorgeous.

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

these are amazing! how do I get ahold of you for some pictures?

Jordan Brittley Henson said...

I would love to set something up with you! Just shoot me an email: jordan@brittleyphotos.com :) I look forward to working with you!