
{ JEN'S } pics

 She steps out of the car with her hair in an up-do and a fancy dress. I know that this is going to be a fun session not because of what Jenna is wearing, but because of what she is thinking. Because what she is thinking will change the way she responds to the series of actions that I ask her to use. Because what she is thinking is what each girl should come thinking. Because Jenna is thinking, "I am beautiful."

and she truly is.

The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. ~Psalm 45:11


Anonymous said...

you do an amazing job jordan.

Linda said...

What a wonderful session this must of been. Such a great job and a great eye for the beauty in all things! Congrats on your work

Katie said...

i am always so impressed. these are amazing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

super cute. love.