
I can't even tell you.

As I went into this weekend I realized the need to trust God more and more and rely on His strength to accomplish what had been set before me. It's funny because I always think that I am done learning in this area, as if it was something to check off a list and now it's done. Well, I am reminded daily that a relationship with God is not about checking something off a list or even accomplishing something. It is a relationship where He delights in me and I delight in Him. Trusting in God is an overflow of my relationship with God. And let me tell you something: I need more overflow.

I plan on reflecting on this weekend more and more over the next few weeks: What was beneficial? What do we need to do differently? These questions will help us to move forward as we seek Him even more. The most amazing thing? He took every piece of us and made it beautiful. God is faithful! And He uses us to bring Glory to Him!

I will be blogging more about the vision, process of planning, and execution of the event since I have received so many emails from you guys! I can't tell you how thankful I am for your support, encouragement and curiosity!

"I'm Your beloved, Your creation, and You love me as I am."

More Questions? Email me!

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