

About a week ago I had the privilege of taking some pictures at my sister's surprise birthday party...she has some really great friends!
Faith had Isaac and I sitting on the stairs so that Jaelyn wouldn't see us when she walked in (and so I could still take all the pictures that I wanted). Faith also had the girls hide in the pantry so that when Jaelyn went to grab the popcorn-SURPRISE! But when Jaelyn comes in a house, she is all hugs and unfortunately Faith was on the other side of the room-past the stair well. Thankfully Jaelyn didn't see us :)

But while we were waiting I decided to take a picture of this lovely chair. Great taste, Shelly!

 and here is Faith, getting the news that J is almost here!

J all surprised and everything ;)

 and a how-well-do-you-know-Jaelyn quiz...

A big thanks to all you girls for making J's party great!

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