
FAQ: Styled Shoots

I am definitely no pro at styled shoots, but after doing a couple I definitely have some information that might help someone who is interested and just doesn't know where to start. 

I remember the first time I walked into the boutique and I was so nervous because I was sure this amazing vendor wouldn't want to be part of something like this, but I had decided that I wanted to do it anyway. Even if it meant hearing "no" from different vendors over and over and over again. && that's probably why I went to my car and did a little dance after hearing the vendor tell me that they would love to be part of a styled shoot. 

One of the vendors later told me that she was so excited to contribute because of my excitement in telling her about it. So go ahead and let that excitement show!

Let them know why you want to use them. This will really go a long way and creative professionals don't mind people raving about their work.

This will help vendors by giving them a visual representation of the theme. You can even make specific notes for them and leave some encouragement while you are at it! I was shocked when I realized that the other vendors were nervous about meeting my expectations, so just letting them know that I seriously love their work (and really, I do) went a long way.

The vendors and models need the details asap. This will help them focus only on their part in the shoot and will keep them from wondering if they have asked the right questions and collected the right information. && then email 1-2 weeks before the shoot letting them know that you are available to answer any questions and don't forget to encourage them. Seriously, you can't overdo this whole encouragement thing!

PASS is a program which allows photographers to upload their images and then "pass" the URL along to specific people. Anyone with access to the event can download all images at high resolution if granted by the photographer. SOOOO helpful. && since the vendors all did such an amazing job...tell them over and over again.

and a very important reminder: write everything down!

&& you should definitely head over to Justin & Mary's blog where they break down a styled shoot into stages.

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