
beauty of forgiveness

the morning light gleamed through the windows, creating this soft, warm light. the kind of light that belongs in a room with a good book and a hammock. i sat down and enjoyed the conversation happening around me. and then i watched something beautiful happen.
someone came into the room and began to spill out an apology. and i have seen many apologies before (and given many more), but this apology was powerful. It wasn’t powerful because of what was being forgiven or even who was being forgiven. it was powerful because God opened my eyes to the beauty of forgiveness.
these thoughts of being forgiven and forgiving others have been rolling around in my head all day. and i smile when i think about it because i have never seen forgiveness like this before. and i am so thankful that He has given me new eyes to see it! 
It’s amazing to see how He works all things together in our lives: Billy has been talking about what love looks like and how it keeps no record of wrongs (definitely download the podcast) and a senior brought the following verse with her yesterday for her senior session:

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13
He is weaving this beautiful forgiveness in and through and i smile because of Him. He amazes me. and I just want more of Him!

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