
Family Photos: for the Bride

During our consultation before the wedding, I always talk to my brides about the importance of family photos in natural light. And time. These photos are meaningful and something that they will cherish as the years go on. I want to capture the emotion of the wedding day while keeping things relaxed and moving. Because no one wants to stand out in the heat for hours taking family pictures.

I usually allow 30 minutes to photograph the family as a whole, starting with the entire family on the bride's side and then removing the layers until we are left with just mom and dad. I then begin adding the grooms side until we have the whole family in the photo again. And if the bride and groom have siblings, I make sure to get a photo with them as well. 

I am so very thankful for my brides. They trust me to capture those precious memories and I am thrilled to be part of their day.

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